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  • claireroads

Older baby Sessions: Why it’s not too late for a Newborn Photoshoot.

Updated: Apr 2

This is for the Mums whose little one is already here. The Mums who are just coming up for air and worrying that they missed their chance to have newborn photos because everything they've read has told them that the ‘ideal’ time is within those first couple of weeks…

I am here to reassure you...

It is not too late.


This gorgeous little man was 4 months old when I met him.

I spent the most wonderful morning with him and his beautiful Mummy & Daddy.

He definitely wasn’t a 'sleepy' newborn anymore but my goodness, there was *so* much more to capture.

There were smiles, gurgles and giggles. There was (a very cheeky!) personality and bright little eyes which took in *everything* around him. There were connections that had grown even stronger with each passing day.

There was a whole lot of love.

It was pretty blooming perfect.

I know I say it allllllllllll the time but this is why I offer the sessions I do.

They are entirely baby-led....

I do not need your baby to be asleep.

I don't need to put them into complicated positions or poses...

...and there are no rules and restrictions when it comes to their age.

And all of these things give you the flexibility to book a session when you feel ready

I really do believe that every stage of your babies’ story is special and worth documenting.

The memories captured might be slightly different but will be just as beautiful (I promise!)

So, if you thought you had missed the boat on having photographs of you with your new little one, you absolutely haven't.

Pop me a message, I would love to meet you.

Claire x

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